I did take some time out yesterday to spend by myself. I had gone running with my sister and her roommate, who are triatheletes, so my recovery took some time! It was nice to hear the conversation and laughter in a house full of family and friends. It was good to remember the things I am truly thankful for.
- A God that loves me unconditionally and serves up more grace and mercy than I ever deserve.
- A husband that loves and respects me and makes me laugh on a regular basis.
- Kids that keep me young and remind me daily to expect the unexpected.
- Family that stands by you when everyone else fades away.
- Friends that love me.
Kudos to you for eating "real" food for Thanksgiving -- I wish our family could do the same! Keri, I'm thankful for you and know that God put you in my life to remind me that He is near. You remind me of that constantly!