July 24, 2008


Blogging.......one of many new verbs in the English language since the dawn of the computer savvy age.  I've enjoyed reading several blogs over the years and through them have journeyed with many I've never met face to face.

I realized that "doing life" is about more than walking hand in hand with someone through experiences.  It is about connecting in a spiritual and emotional way.  It is about making people you love a priority.  It is about remembering Who you do life for.

Maybe this is my small attempt at doing life with those I love, but don't get to share face time with.


  1. It's about time! Can't wait to share life with you practically real-time and get a Keri-fix on a much more regular basis!

  2. WOW - Keri...I LOVE THIS!!! I SO need your inspiration on getting my own blog back up and running! I think it is the best thing ever - you go my friend~

  3. Keri K!
    Doing LIfe is off an Running-I love every detail-Leaving Legacies,Gods Purpose,Football Reigns Supreme (GIVE me that tha-sau-rus in your Mouth)Who YOU do life for?...Its all Yumm! & MOST of all ...Inspiring too-MAkes me want to get up an Get "busy" Doing Good For My God, An Doing Life even Better!-Congratulations! Keep it coming....LOve, Non-tha-sau-rus Goer but...Inspirational Wanna be!

  4. I LOVE IT! You are one of my very favorite people and I am so excited for you to blog :) Love You!!!!


  5. Keri,

    What a beautiful start to a blog, really inspiring. I'll be checking in often.


  6. Hey Keri! Welcome to the blog-world. Woo Hoo for you! I'll add you to the front page of mine. Enjoy every post---for many, it's the only encouragement they'll get in day. And how cool that God used you to be the one to do it.



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